Home News 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim lays out praise on video

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim lays out praise on video


Released once again on Nintendo Switch recently, 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim has tasted a heap of accolades again. He is now sharing it on video.

The success of 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is undeniable. We brought it to you when it first released on PS4 and even recently when the Vanillaware title appeared on nintendo-switch. Moreover, you will probably be able to agree on this yourself and why not support the praise that has been given to it through your comments. Or perhaps you will write to express a contrary opinion…

Be that as it may, here are a few words reported in the recent video broadcast of what this 13 Sentinels to the French press. A video that, let’s face it, only has value because your favorite site has offered itself a little quote, right?

Furthermore, at Japan, the PS4 version will receive a free upgrade that will add content released with the Switch. A new edition including the DLCs that have been released is also expected. Whether the rest of the world will benefit remains to be seen.

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