Home News 2022: with TactGlove, VR at your fingertips

2022: with TactGlove, VR at your fingertips


Haptic gloves could well bring an interesting new walk in VR, and it starts this year for the general public.

Advertised for 2022, the TactGlove haptic gloves will be the first of its kind for the General public. While waiting for the Skinetic haptic vest that we told you about a short time ago, we can therefore start by trying our hand on the gloves developed by bHaptics which will also be unveiled on the occasion of the CES 2022.

Using 10 linear resonant actuators (LRA) each working individually, these can be coupled with all helmets with a hand tracking system (Quest, Rift S, Valve Index, Hololens) or Ultraleap Leap Motion. After their presentation at CES 2022, in collaboration with Unplugged and Hand Physic Lab, TactGlove gloves will be offered at $ 299 during the year, with provision from the second quarter of 2022 of their development kit on the bHaptics website.

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Offered in medium, large and extra large, they will be made Fabric and should be comfortable to wear. And to ensure the best possible hygiene, they will be delivered with under replaceable and washable gloves.

If we already knew the very good TactSuit X haptic feedback jacket, innovation prize at CES 2021, it will therefore now also be necessary to rely on bHaptics gloves. Like many applications such as Blaston, Hyper Dash or Onward, already natively support the jacket, no doubt that it will quickly be the same for the TactGloves.

And for those who want to fully equip themselves, remember that the Korean company also offers a facial pillow and the Tactosy range to install on your arms, hands and feet.

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