Home News A 2022 Grammy nomination for Kirby

A 2022 Grammy nomination for Kirby


Nintendo’s little pink ball faces a new challenge: to try to impose itself in the world of music by winning the sacrosanct reward.

Popular, Kirby already is. But we have to believe that this is not enough to his liking, he must also venture into another field and compete with the leaders of the music industry. What a greedy little creature! But will she be able to win the famous award, the coveted Grammy, and thus succeed the only video game that has won it, namely Civilization IV with “Baba Yetu”? Answer on January 31, 2022.

Nevertheless, if the consecration were to return to him it would be less to crown the musical realization of the title from which the nominated piece is taken – “Meta Knight’s Revenge” of SNES game Kirby’s Fun Pak (Kirby Super Star) – only to celebrate the rearrangement work of Charlie Rosen and Jake Silverman.

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Curious? Well, here’s the jazzy interpretation of the band The 8-Bit Big Band in collaboration with Button Masher:

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