Home News A new Subnautica in development

A new Subnautica in development


The studio behind the Subnautica saga is looking for collaborators for a new project in the universe of this single player adventure game in the depths.

After the first two opuses which met the publicthe Subnautica saga should return for a third episode. Unknown Worlds has indeed launched the recruitment of new narrative creators for a game that is “in the universe of Subnautica”, which suddenly leaves little room for doubt.

Only uncertainty for now: a direct sequel or a spin-off of the series? It’s not revealed but in any case, it should take place in the depths, hoping for a new solo survival game of the same ilk. Obviously no release date yet, but if the development has just started, we will have to be patient.

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Note that this same studio does not stop there since a mysterious “turn-based strategy game in a SF universe” called “Project M” is also under construction.

Source: www.eurogamer.net

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