Home News A port for GoldenEye 007 soon? News @VGR

A port for GoldenEye 007 soon? News @VGR


GoldenEye 007 could make a comeback very soon. At least that’s what certain elements highlighted by True Achievements indicate.

A few years ago, a port of the famous game of Nintendo 64 had to see the light of day. However, the refusal at this time of the Japanese company hampered Rare in its attempt.

However, now that the relationship between Nintendo and Microsoft is a little more “friendly”, it is possible to see landing soon Goldeneye 007 on Xbox – and most likely on Switch in view of the partnership between the two aforementioned companies. Especially since this year, the cult license will celebrate its 60th anniversary. For this occasion, various announcements are notably planned.

A return that will be made for sure if we believe the data reported by True Achievements. A list of 55 achievements (concerning single-player and multiplayer modes) does indeed seem to corroborate the existence of the port in question.

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Now, we just have to wait for the main stakeholders to communicate on the subject.

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