God of War Ragnarok will be released in 2022. At least, that’s what we can say based on new elements.
Not yet possessor of a precise release date, the long-awaited game of santa monica must necessarily give rise to a crowd of impatient and, perhaps, worried. But let them be reassured, God of War Ragnarok still seems scheduled for 2022. Plus, it could be that he has little time left before showing up and thus making an appointment with his audience.
A release for September 2022 more relevant than ever?
For the moment, as far as the date is concerned, we can only settle for rumors, and one in particular. A few months ago, in fact, a certain leaker reputed to be reliable advanced a publication for the month of September 2022. Something to which we have not yet had an answer. Nevertheless, with new informative elements which has just been published, we can only be reinforced in this direction.
And for good reason, the game expected on PS5 (but also on PS4) has just been classified by the Korean classification body, as noted by the user Twitter The_Marmolade.

Is it such a significant element? Most likely. Horizon Forbidden West was recorded in November 2021 to appear 3 months later. Should we expect something similar? We’ll see. But today we can only be more confident, especially since merchandise related to God of War has just been spotted (by the same source) on the site of a Greek retailer. And, if we are to believe the date highlighted by the latter, these famous accessories should be made available September 30, 2022, the supposed launch day of the game.
A little additional info that seems to give a little more precision, but which does not necessarily guarantee the truth, especially since the arrival of derivative products is not necessarily connected to that of a game. But hey, the doubt that we currently have should soon be clarified, if we are to believe a recent statement by Cory Barlog.