The possible next opus of Silent Hill is talking about him again and the information is multiplying about him. It may well be that the project is real, but also a little less surprising than expected.
This is the big rumor of this mid-May, a new Silent Hill would indeed be under construction and visuals belonging to it have even been revealed on the net. Since then, tongues seem to loosen up and everyone goes there with their little info.
A Silent Hill 2 remake exclusive to the PS5
Officially, we don’t know what’s going on around Silent Hill, but hallway noises multiply and intersect. After two separate sources claimed they had heard of an episode featuring game mechanics breaking the 4th wall, a new infiltrator added a stone to the edifice, a rock even.
According to insider NateTheHate, the next Silent Hill game to be released would not be a new opus, but the remake of one of the best (if not THE best) opus of the license: Silent Hill 2.
-Bloober Team working on Silent Hill 2 Remake. Reworked puzzles. New Endings. Timed PlayStation Console Exclusive
-Multiple Silent Hill projects in development; including new mainline entry & side “stories”
Not confirmed. Just sharing what I’ve heard
—NateTheHate2 (@NateTheHate2) May 15, 2022
According to him, we would find Bloober Team (The Medium, Blair Witch) at the helm of the projectas many other rumors suggested, and the game should feature new endings and reworked puzzles.
As a bonus, this Silent Hill 2 Remake might just be a temporary exclusive PS5, information that Jeff Grubb himself implied by suggesting that, according to him, the next Silent Hill would be one of the next big Sony exclusions.

Of course, tweezers are in order, but when you know the history of the license, there would be nothing surprising in this, even if the last canonical episodes were all multiplatform. Especially since, as a reminder, Sony would keep a few surprises for the current year, Silent Hill 2 Remake could therefore be one of them, you never know.
Even more Silent Hill games?
But it doesn’t stop there, again according to NateTheHate, other Silent Hill projects would be in preparation, such as a new main opus, but also “several secondary stories”. Note also that the information shared by Dusk Golem on May 13 could belong to one of these projects.
Again, nothing official has been communicated and we will take gloves, but here too, there would be nothing surprising that Konami wants to capitalize on one of its master licenses. Silent Hill hasn’t had a new album since Downpour, almost 10 years ago and demand is strong. It does not date from yesterday since the deceased Silent Hill by Kojima had already shaken the video game scene when it was announced, not to mention the hubbub around Abandoned.
In addition, it would be perfect to bring Konami out of its cave since the publisher has been quite discreet on the video game scene for several years. The “big releases” of the firm can be counted on the fingers of one hand and apart from laying out pachinkos, mobile games and talking to us about NFT, Konami hasn’t had anything very sexy to sell us for some time. But that could change in the years to come, especially since in addition to Silent Hill, there are rumors that a remake of Metal Gear would also be in the cards.
Either way, Silent Hill makes players’ hearts burn and fuels all the fantasies on the web. Hoping that Konami will give us some news soon.
And for you, which is the best Silent Hill?