Home News PC Activision Blizzard takeover: Microsoft should soon be determined by the FTC

Activision Blizzard takeover: Microsoft should soon be determined by the FTC


The acquisition of Activision Blizzard has yet to be finalized, but apparently it now appears to be taking an important step.

Having announced its intention to buy Activision Blizzard for an exorbitant sum (more than $70 billion), Microsoft had to face the FTC (Federal Trade Commission)which still has to examine this acquisition project. But, it would seem that the firm does not have too many worries to make, because, even if all is not won, it made itself an ally of weight: the Communications Workers of America, the union of the employees of the communication and the media. Well, we’ll see… Which should not be long, since things seem to be accelerating.

Microsoft really fixed in 30 days?

The American company, owner of the Xbox brand, has apparently just handed over to the anti-monopoly commission the information documents required in the investigation in question. At least that’s what Dealreporter claims through Seeking Alpha. If this is, the FTC is expected to issue its ruling in less than 30 days.

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Well, not really, it is necessary first thatActivision Blizzard has done the same. This is not known at the moment, as no information on the subject seems to be circulating. But, if it is indeed the case, another reserve exists.

Indeed, let’s admit that the FTC pronounces itself by the time mentioned above and that it is favorable to the buyout, there will still be the European organizations to convince, including the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) British.

If all the lights are green, then Microsoft will be able to count in its ranks its new acquisition as of March 31, 2023.

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