Home News Anger Foot, a Hotline Miami FPS from the creators of BroForce

Anger Foot, a Hotline Miami FPS from the creators of BroForce


The dads of Gorn and BroForce were also present during the Devolver show and presented their new crazy FPS.

Breaking down doors, throwing barrels, exploding skulls or even kicking ass, in Anger Foot, it’s all about well-placed kicks. And guns too, we’re not going to lie to each other.

I put my feet where I want Little John

Supercharged (and very colorful) fireworks, the new title Free Lives presents itself as a millimeter shooter where you will have to clean up different levels by chaining shots and strokes, a bit like in a Hotline Miami.

The software opts for a crazy and very colorful artistic direction featuring edgy anthropomorphic creatures and other bizarre mutated critters, all carried by a rocking soundtrack and set the tone. A good big trip under acid that it is also possible to try by downloading the demo available at this address.

For now, Anger Foot is only announced on PC and does not yet have a precise release date although it is expected for 2023.

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