Home News Another Fire Emblem planned for 2022? News @VGR

Another Fire Emblem planned for 2022? News @VGR


In addition to the new spinoff of the franchise that will be released this summer on Switch (Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes), Tecmo Koei could release a sequel to the main series in 2022.

While a brand new Fire Emblem was unveiled during the February 9 Nintendo Direct, the saga could see another episode coming soonaccording to VGC who reports the indiscretions of the insider (insider, insider?) Nintendo, Emily Rodgers.

A new episode which would be in the pipes of Intelligent Systems (developer of the original series) and which could be released also in 2022. According to her, the development would have already started three years ago and would be “almost finished”. The creation would have been supported by a support studio, but the arrival of this Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes would have forced Tecmo Koei to review its copy and aim for 2023 for this sequel to Three Houses.

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Waiting for, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopesa new crossover with Dynasty Warriors, will be released on Switch on June 24, 2022.

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