Home News PC Assassin’s Creed Rift: the next episode should take place in Baghdad

Assassin’s Creed Rift: the next episode should take place in Baghdad


Information is coming out in dribs and drabs about the next installment of Ubisoft’s flagship license, Assassin’s Creed. But according to Jason Schreier, a journalist at Bloomberg, the next adventure would take place in Baghdad.

Jason Schreierjournalist at Bloombergis usually never the last to share information, or indiscretions about software that are in development. And this time, he seems ready to reveal a little more about the next episode of the license Assassin’s Creeddeveloped by Ubisoftwhich would have the code name “Rift”.

Assassin’s creed takes place in Baghdad

He would know enough to announce that “The next AC game is Rift, and is set in Baghdad”. A statement that is not backed up by evidence, so it still leaves a bit of doubt. But this would cut the ground under the foot of some who claim that the license would take place at the time of the Aztecs. This would not be the destination envisaged for the next two opuses.

After that it will be AC Infinity, and while that will include a bunch of games/experiences/biomes/whatever you want to call them, I’ve heard of the two main ones and neither of them are Aztec.

As revealed in one of our previous news items, Assassin’s Creed Rift was born from the idea of making a expansion for Assassin’s Creed Valhallawhere Basim was to undertake missions in Baghdad. A project so consequent that it was decided to make it a separate opus, access on the infiltration.

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Now, to confirm all this, we are waiting for a official announcement from Ubisoft. Announcement that could take place before the end of this year. A good opportunity to take stock of Assassin’s Creed Rift and Infinity.

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