Home News Avatar the Last Airbender an RPG and MMORPG are coming soon

Avatar the Last Airbender an RPG and MMORPG are coming soon


Fan dreams will soon come true. An RPG and an MMORPG around the universe of Avatar the Last Airbender would arrive soon.

Fans of the show have been asking for it for several years, it’s finally going to happen. A real phenomenon in the United States, Avatar the Last Airbender (ATLA) is one of those licenses that some have been hoping for many years to see adapted into a video game.

Their wildest dream an RPG with BioWare sauce around the universe. It might not be exactly that, but it looks like their wish will soon be granted.

An RPG Avatar The Last Airbender

The website Avatar Newsa real reference regarding the license, has just released the info. At least four Avatar The Last Airbender games are in development. One had already been announced, the mobile game developed by Square Enix, but three others would be in preparation and whose one will feature Aang and his gang. The cast will be completely changed for the occasion, “with Asian and indigenous actors” who will lend their voices to the emblematic characters.

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One of these three new projects would be an RPG-oriented action/adventure game for home consoles, not specified. The second would be an MMORPG and the last one is still confidential. No studio was disclosed, but all games are supervised by Paramount’s Avatar Studios (which deals with animated films and series). The veil around these games should be lifted soon, since the site explains that “they’ve been in development for quite a while now, and they should arrive sooner than you think“.

Remember that the ATLA fervor is likely to spread even more across the Atlantic since Netflix is ​​preparing a live-action series, while Paramount owns all the rest of the rights and is working on new series and animated films around the universe.

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