Home News Bandai Namco: salary increases and more flexibility

Bandai Namco: salary increases and more flexibility


To better respond to its fans, Bandai Namco announces the increase of all the salaries of its developers, and almost total freedom on the work to come.

Bandai Namco developers (Scarlet Nexus, Elden Ring…) welcomed the brand’s latest press release on Monday with great pleasure. Indeed, with the aim of respond to a campaign called “Connect with Fans”the group announces the increase in employee salaries from April 1, 2022 (imagine, it’s an April Fool’s joke) to reach an average of 50,000 yen more per month for everyone (i.e. 390€).

What’s more, the starting salary of newly graduated new employees will be raised from 232,000 (1800€) to 290,000 yen (2260€) per month depending on the company. Everything will therefore serve to respond to the new medium-term vision of connection with the fans. To achieve this mission, “it is essential to promote our active participation in multiple human resources through different fields of application”.

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Employees will also see their autonomy increase and therefore creativity boosted according to Bandai Namco, with the “Activity Based Working” process which allows them to choose the place and time they want to work.

Through this revision, we will achieve the new medium-term vision with the basic policy of improving the working capacity of employees, exceeding the expectations of fans around the world with high-quality content and various entertainment that can be played long and deep…

Now, we should think about increasing the salaries of graphic designers.

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