Home News Switch Bandai Namco: victim of a cyber attack?

Bandai Namco: victim of a cyber attack?


Apparently, according to some reports, the publisher Bandai Namco has been the victim of a cyber attack.

After Capcom or CD Projekt, it is now the turn of the publisher of Elden Ring, of the Dragon Ball, Tekken or Soul Calibur to be under a cyber attack. At least, that’s what seems to be stated by Vx-Undergroundwhich is a kind of library which gathers source codes and any informative document about malware.

Bandai Namco: threatened by a ransomware?

According to the aforementioned source, via Twitter In particular, Bandai Namco’s files would indeed fall into the hands of an organization that would ask in exchange for the unlocking of the documents in question a certain amount of money under threat of possibly revealing the data. Or to put it more simply and less lengthily: the Japanese company is apparently currently paralyzed by ransomware.

Thus, as mentioned below in particular, it would be the fact of the group ALPHV (also known as BlackCat ransomware group), which has claimed responsibility for the malicious act.

So, what is it really? Well, it only remains for the main interested party to express himself on the matter.

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