Home News Battlefield 2042: A really big patch and voice chat are coming soon

Battlefield 2042: A really big patch and voice chat are coming soon


Battlefield 2042 continues to receive patches with the aim of improving it, and even if it was getting old, voice chat and the scoreboard will finally arrive.

The least we can say is that the life of Battlefield 2042 is not a long calm river. Since its release, the software is wandered from patch to patch and the developers try everything for everything to stem the bleeding, tired of seeing players leave the ship for other horizons. In this context, the software will receive a very large patch in the coming weeks and this, even if most of the DICE teams are already working on a new opus.

Battlefield 2042 will finally have its squad chat with the April patch

This is Straatford87, developers at DICE, who informs us via Reddit. He announces thata very large patch will be deployed in April at an undetermined date. In addition to a very long list of fixes, more than a hundred, this imposing patch will bring with it voice chat and the scoreboard, two features eagerly awaited by the community.

The next [mise à jour] will be considerable, and we are currently considering a few hundred changes. These are mostly bug fixes, but we will also make additional changes, for example to vehicle balance and the current behavior of weapon attachments.

We’ll provide more details on the exact contents of the update closer to its release date, via a full set of patch notes.

[…]The update will also contain endgame scoreboard functionality, and VoIP [chat vocal]. I think this information is known, but I want to share it again for those who missed it.

We meet in a few days to see what this famous XXL update has in store for us.

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Source: answers.ea.com

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