Home News Battlefield 2042: the imposing 4.0 patch is here and DICE is already...

Battlefield 2042: the imposing 4.0 patch is here and DICE is already talking about the next one


DICE had warned us, the Battlefield 2042 patch 4.0 touches on almost everything and adds features that have been expected for a while.

While the popularity of the title is in free fall, especially on Steam where the game records ridiculous attendance scores. Despite everything, EA and DICE continue to keep their game afloat and are even slowly starting to revamp it from top to bottom with this new 4.0 patch.

Towards a revival for Battlefield 2042 with patch 4.0?

The objective of patch 4.0 is clear: to breathe new life into Battlefield 2042, or, at the very least, start it. It is for this reason that the update is the largest ever rolled out.

Along with adding VoIP (in-game voice chat), it’s tweaking the endgame scoreboard, revamping weapon attachments, and rebalancing specialists, weapons, and even vehicles. As a bonus, it fixes an army of various and varied bugs that impacted performance, graphics, gameplay and interfaces, in addition to retouching the maps. In short, it touches on everything and changes a lot of things, it remains to be seen what happens in the game.

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Moreover, DICE has already planned a next patch for the month of May which will be, this time, mainly focused on optimization and fixing additional bugs.

Patch 4.0 brings VoIP functionality for groups and squads, a modification of the scoreboard at the end of the roundas well as’an overhaul of weapon attachments. It also includes many other changes and bugfixes, such as:

  • A rebalancing of Specialistssuch as updated Traits for Rao and Paik, and improvements for Sundance, with a focus on its Anti-Armor Grenades being more effective against targets in their immediate vicinity.
  • Vehicle balancingincluding making the M5C Bolte’s passengers easier to target and reducing the power of its missile launcher.
  • Bug fixes such as the inability for ADS to exit a vehicle or the inability to revive players near objects.
  • Improved ribbons and XP events to make them easier to unlock in all modes.

We want to thank you for your patience as we work to bring this update to you. We look forward to your feedback once you’ve had a chance to play.

Our next update is currently scheduled for May, and will focus on bringing new quality of life updates and new bug fixes. We will tell you more about the contents of this update closer to its release.

Since the patch note is twelve arms long, we’re not going to scroll it down here, but rather redirect you to the official site where you’ll find all the details. Note that patch 4.0 will be available on April 19, 2022 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

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Now, one question remains unanswered, will patch 4.0 make players want to try the Battlefield 2042 experience again?

Source: www.ea.com

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