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Be the first to know by subscribing to VGR on Google News


How not to miss anything from the news of video games in real time? All you need to do is subscribe to our feed on Google News. It’s free and it will make you look good and smart (non-contractual).

You have probably all passed at least once on Google, and maybe even without realizing it, by Google News (Google News) to follow the news of video games. And since you are people of quality and with good taste, it is thanks to JeuxVideo-Live that you are at the forefront of your gaming knowledge.

Thanks to Google, be the first to know by subscribing to the VGR feed on your phone or computer. Nothing could be simpler: follow the guide!

On computer

Go to the VGR feed and click on the “Favorites” icon at the top right, next to the site name. From now on, if you go through Google News, the site will offer you our news directly in the video games category, according to your preferences.

On smartphones

Of course you can do the same on your phone, but thanks to the Google News app on Android or iOS, it’s even easier!

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Download your app, search GamesVideo-Live in the search bar or just click on that feed, and you will come to the same page. All you have to do is tick the “favorites” star.

If you want to have the news even faster, you can also press the three small dots at the top right, then on “add to home screen” in the list.

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