Home News Before revealing more, Sonic Frontiers shows a bit of gameplay

Before revealing more, Sonic Frontiers shows a bit of gameplay


Sonic Frontiers, whose arrival is scheduled for the end of 2022, now lets glimpse a few seconds of gameplay, while waiting to be able to reveal more.

A year ago the one we called at first Sonic Rangers was announced. However, it was not until December, during the Game Awards 2021, that he showed some images and, at the same time, revealed an exit window. Since then, he has retired. But, from now on, the Sega title scheduled for the end of 2022 is resurfacing.

Gameplay and more information in June

It is in June that he intends to reveal himself fully and in particular with the mediation ofIGN who will be responsible for media coverage. Moreover, Sonic Frontiers will not be long in advancing on the front of the stage with the attention of impressing us. To tell the truth, it’s only a matter of hours since he will do it this June 1 at 6 p.m. Then, it will continue throughout this month as part of IGN First where interviews, gameplay, etc., about it will be published.

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But while waiting to see more, Sega has just released a very short video in which we can already have an overview of the gameplay that will be offered by a title with more than certain ambitions:

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