Beyond Good & Evil 2 is still alive. And, it could even be that Ubisoft has some projects for it, and this, as soon as this month of July.
It’s been a while since Beyond Good & Evil 2 was announced. And for good reason, the first time Ubisoft mentioned it was in 2008. Since this first announcement, the long-awaited title has shown itself very little, so much so that many of you don’t really believe in its existence or fear the outcome of a possible release, especially since the announcement of the departure of Michel Ancel. But first it would have to come out, wouldn’t it? Which should most probably be planned. As it was announced recently the project is still standing. Something that now seems to be confirmed by new elements.

External playtests planned?
As mentioned in an article by Tom Henderson, Ubisoft recently had a meeting with its investors. During this meeting, the company was able to give an idea on the titles it had at its disposal and on its upcoming projects. And, among them, it is Beyond Good & Evil 2 which obviously attracts attention. By mentioning it, Ubisoft seems to give a new proof of its existence.
By the way, Tom Henderson went further and dug a bit more with his sources to learn more. And so, according to the information he dug up, Beyond Good and Evil 2 is indeed in development. At what stage is it? It’s hard to say, he didn’t have any information about the production progress. However, he is not without affirming the following: the title could very soon be back in the news, especially to offer external playtests that should not take place weekly, as in the habit of Ubisoft, but will be more extensive.
So, true or not? Even if the leaker is known to be reliable, we’ll wait and see.