Home News BioWare announces the start of development for Mass Effect 5

BioWare announces the start of development for Mass Effect 5


It’s a bit faster than what the insiders had announced: the major construction site for the new Mass Effect has already been launched on the side of BioWare.

In the rather unlikely event that we have already forgotten that one of the best space adventure game saga will soon have a 5th episode, Bioware releases news about Mass Effect 5 at regular intervals. Thus, almost two months after the last communication, the studio has just announced that the game is in “early development”.

As often, it is mainly Dragon Age 4 that is discussed in the last official post, but BioWare gives an update on the soap opera RPG and specifies as follows:

We’re not just working on Dragon Age, too. Our team continues to work on Star Wars: The Old Republic and its recent Legacy of the Sith expansion, so be sure to check the SWTOR website for more details on what’s to come! There’s also the next game in the Mass Effect universe, which is now in early development. It’ll be a while before we can talk about this in more detail, but we can’t wait to show you what we’re working on!

Nothing more logical that said, since the teams were recruited at the end of last year. Nevertheless, the announcement may surprise Jeff Grubb, who had indicated for his part that development would not begin before 2023. Like what, he is not always right.

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