Home News Bonelab: the sequel to Boneworks lives up to its title

Bonelab: the sequel to Boneworks lives up to its title


Long called Boneworks 2, the sequel to the hit Stress Level Zero seems to be nearing its release and unveils its name on video.

Undisputed and indisputable success of virtual reality, Boneworks has charmed its audience thanks to its experimental physics allowing everything to be considered in a particularly efficient way.

Its sequel is inevitably awaited with some impatience. And if it was first of all naturally designated by the name of Bone Works 2before being labeled Project 4 by Stress Level Zero while waiting to obtain its final title, it is finally called Bonelab.

Taking up the concept of its predecessor, Bonelab obviously promises us an even sharper physics engine at the heart of the proposed experience, all embellished with visceral fightswith the possibility of customize your avatar.

After being sentenced to death, you will escape your fate by fleeing into an unknown underground laboratory where a whole series of challenges waiting for you. It’s up to you to overcome them and discover their purpose.

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Bonelab is expected This year on Quest 2 and PCVR through Steam. It should then also be worn on PSVR 2.

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