Home News Bungie takeover: 1.2 billion to ensure that the devs do not leave

Bungie takeover: 1.2 billion to ensure that the devs do not leave


Sony spent over a billion dollars just to keep Bungie’s talent out of the takeover, which equates to over a million per person.

From $3.6 billions spent by Sony to buy Bungie, a good part is related to keeping developers in place. Indeed, in this substantial deal (even if the takeover of Activision-Blizzard by Microsoft puts everything into perspective), we now learn that over $1 billion has been spent on team contracts.

In its latest business report, Sony has indeed stated that a third of the sum was used to retain Bungie talent in the company, most of the employees being shareholders. Overall, if the sum is so large, it is because it allows Sony to ensure the presence of people during several yearsa “retention clause” according to official statements.

Ultimately, according to Kotaku and the washington postwith nearly 900 employeesso Sony paid a little more one million dollars per developer. Sony indicates “two thirds of this sum will be paid in the first two years”.

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Source: kotaku.com

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