Home News Call of Duty Vanguard Didn’t Work…Because of WWII

Call of Duty Vanguard Didn’t Work…Because of WWII


“It’s not our fault, it’s your very old wars that are boring.” Activision has finally found the reason for the critical failure of its new Call of Duty Vanguard.

If the call of duty franchise going all out to reunite with its audience in the coming months, with a slew of new games and projects announced or rumored, the latest Call of Duty Vanguard can’t be said to have rattled the crowds. The game, considered lazy by our tester, is a (small) commercial success but a critical failure.

The Second World War is boring like the rain

Bugs at launch, an uninspired campaign, unfinished modes, all in a turbulent period for Activision Blizzard with claims of harassment and abusenot to mention the tense calendar of the license which is exhausting the players, with an opus shipped every year and which tends to lose its fanbase a little more each time. Despite the profits, the studio is losing players, that’s undeniable.

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But no, go! None of this is reasonable. In its latest financial statement, investors confirmed figures below expectations (as a reminder, the game is one of the best sellers of 2021, but had the worst launch for the saga) and found the reason for this failure: World War II does not sell.

Call of Duty remains one of the most popular entertainment franchises of all time, our 2021 release fell short of our expectations. […] The WWII context of the game doesn’t touch part of the community and we weren’t able to deliver as much innovation as we would have liked.

In short, “the historians are painful with their Second World War, you can’t put blasters and turbojets on the Nazis”. A leak of responsibility for Activision, which had started its franchise by recovering a historical context in distress at Medal of Honor, with the first Call of Duty in 2003.

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The saga certainly took off with Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (23 million sales) but throwbacks to WW2 have done pretty well in the past, like Call of Duty: WWII (20 million). Some games are still a hit today with this historical period, such as World of Tanks, Hell Let Loose or Post Scriptum. Is context really the cause of Vanguard’s failure? Shouldn’t we make this historical period interesting by a better narration instead of seeing it as a waste of time?

If it is not impossible to never again rewatch WW2 at CoDMeanwhile, the next installment Modern Warfare II has finally been made official with a date. We hope to one day see an opus of Medal of Honor at the Allied Landing level…

Source: kotaku.com

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