Home News Capcom announces another record year

Capcom announces another record year


In turn, the companies take stock and it’s Capcom’s turn to reveal its record figures.

Always growing, Japanese publisher announces 15% increase in net salesfor a total turnover of approximately 803 million eurosof which nearly 313 million net profit, an increase of 24%. A score that allows Capcom to record strong growth for the ninth consecutive yearin the amount of 322 million euros.

Monster Hunter and Resident Evil are sold per pallet

In total, Capcom sold no less than 32.1 million games, all licenses combined, thus surpassing the 30 million of the 2020 financial year.

But if the firm breaks records, it is in particular thanks to Monster Hunter and Resident Evil, these two figureheads. For example, we learn that Resident Evil Village has sold over 6.1 million copies since its launch, while Monster Hunter Stories 2: Wings of Ruin sold around 1.5 million. Monster Hunter Rise meanwhile, thanks to its release on PC, was able to sell no less than 4.1 million additional games and should happily cross the 10 million mark with the release of Sunbreak, especially since more than 8 million units were recorded at the start of 2022. The Japanese giant also claims that Resident Evil 7 and Monster Hunter World also contributed to the profits.

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Last I heard, Resident Evil 7 had sold over 10 million copies, while Monster Hunter World said 17 million and wheelbarrows. For the rest, Capcom capitalizes in particular thanks to eSports and arcade games.

According to the publisher’s predictions, the company’s growth is not expected to slow down anytime soon. For fiscal 2023, Capcom is indeed banking on Monster Hunter Sunbreak, which will be released this summer, as well as “major new titles” to come.

At last, the company announces that it is seriously considering improving the quality of life within its studios and already provides, among other things, for an increase in wages.

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