Home News Switch Capcom announces its schedule for Tokyo Game Show 2022

Capcom announces its schedule for Tokyo Game Show 2022


The Japanese publisher reveals its program for the Tokyo Game Show in September 2022. It will offer two streams, one of which will focus exclusively on Street Fighter 6.

Just like gamescom, the Tokyo Game Show 2022 will also be in person and will therefore offer the public the opportunity to try out upcoming games. As for the announcements and other reserved contents, such as new videos, etc., they will of course be communicated on the Web through various streams that the publishers will concoct for us. By the way, on this subjectCapcom has just communicated its own program.

Two streams, one for Street Fighter

Thus, the Japanese company now makes an appointment with its audience for two events.

First, September 15 (4pm in France), we are reserved the Capcom Online Programa program that will be used to talk about the catalog of games to come soon. As mentioned, we will be expecting in particular that qExoprimal, Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection or Monster Hunter Sunbreak and new content about it will be present during the minutes devoted. But, maybe we will also see new images of Resident Evil 4 Remake and other announcements. We will see…

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One day later, theSeptember 16 (5 p.m.), Street Fighter 6 will have an exclusive moment. And, it should take full advantage of this to reveal more information about it and thus among other things present new fighters. At the EVO 2022, it was Kimberly and Juri who had the right to their little dedicated sequence.

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