Home News Castlevania: the new Netflix series shows itself and reveals its character

Castlevania: the new Netflix series shows itself and reveals its character


The new series dedicated to the Castlevania universe is becoming official. It thus reveals its title and highlights the character on which it focuses.

During the last day devoted to Netflix Geek Week, we were able to get a glimpse of Dragon Age: Absolution, which also took advantage of the time allotted to it to reveal its release date. But, of course, this was not the only program for our favorite media. In the very last moments, the conference finally lifted the veil on the next series Castlevania.

Richter Belmont enters the scene

Admittedly, the series had been “pre-announced” a year ago now, however, next to nothing was known about this one other than that it would be inspired by Rondo of Blood and would logically focus on the hero, Richter Belmont. No visual and no date had been communicated at the time. Obviously, it was only the very beginning of the project. But, now, the anime can let itself be seen if only for a few moments, just the time to have a view of Richter precisely and to see its official title appear: Castlevania Nocturne.

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No date has been announced. In fact, we don’t really see much. It will therefore only be necessary to be satisfied with these mere seconds which accompanies this formalization for the moment.

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