After the release of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt’s stock value has taken quite a hit, as a certain report shows.
As Business Insider Poland reports, before the launch of its Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red was the first studio in Poland with a market value of about 40 billion z?oty (8.3 billion euros). But since December 2020the company has taken a heavy fall. Of course, this could have no other cause than the disastrous launch of its famous futuristic title, which has been talked about in many ways, like recently with Quantic Lab for example.
A 75% drop, a comeback in 2017
With the value of its shares having decreased by seems, CD Projekt now weighs in at just under 10 billion Zloty (2.0 billion euros). This is indeed a huge drop from the above mentioned figures.
And, with this little setback, the studio behind The Witcher would therefore logically no longer be the most prestigious studio in Poland. Returning to a valuation more or less equivalent to that of 2017, CD Projekt is now outranked by Techland (Dying Light). Finally, this is what seems to indicate Business Insider Poland as well as the site specialized in the stock market, Puls Biznesu.
According to the latter, although the figures of the company that created Dying Light are not listed on the stock exchange and thus closed to the public, it appears that its value is currently around 10.6 billion zloty.
Now, we just have to wait for CD Projekt to get back on track, especially with the new The Witcher.