Home News Charts Japan: when Xbox is ahead of PlayStation

Charts Japan: when Xbox is ahead of PlayStation


In the last week, in Japan, the Sony console has been purchased much less than that of its competitor.

Microsoft’s console had a small breakthrough over the past week. Its sales have indeed outstripped that of its competitor from sonyand this, on its land of origin where generally playstation is a sacrosanct name.

A record for years

For the first time since the launch of the latest console generations, Microsoft has recorded (between May 9 and May 15) sales superior to those of Sony with its Xbox Series S.

Taking into account the figures achieved by the two types of PS5 (Physical and Digital)the Japanese giant’s machine was distributed to 2,963 additional buyers. The Xbox has improved its sales by 6,120 copies more. However, as for the X-Seriesit is clear that she is still struggling with 105 small purchases. A difference that is linked to a concern for availability?

Admittedly, the conditions are perhaps, at the moment, more favorable to the American brand, especially since on the side of playstation a lack of stock is (it seems) to be deplored. However, this does not prevent us from emphasizing the performance achieved. This is indeed very rare. The last time an Xbox experienced something similar was in 2014 where the Xbox One had then made a small flash.

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Results which are therefore not very convincing. The Xbox Series still remains in “hostile ground”, so to speak. Overall, the PS5 and Nintendo Switch remain the consoles that dominate the market, by far. However, there is a slight improvement: Microsoft’s current console has already garnered higher numbers than the One (142,024 units sold against 114,831). To be seen, if she will manage to reach the record of the Xbox 360 and its million sales.

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