Home News COD Vanguard and Warzone update RICOCHET, their violent anti-cheat

COD Vanguard and Warzone update RICOCHET, their violent anti-cheat


Cheating on Call of Duty Vanguard and Warzone is now severely punished with the new anti-cheat RICOCHET which attacks cheaters directly.

The Activision studios in charge of Call of Duty regularly clean up their games, and more particularly on Warzone where cheating has become a real sport for some. Not content with rotting the rankings and games of other players, they often bypass anti-cheat systems to the point of being banned by moderators. Except now, Vanguard and Warzone are stepping up a gear.

The caught cheater has its own “game”

Activision has indeed updated RICOCHET, an anti-cheat software, much more effective than the previous one, which attacks cheaters directly. In addition to detecting fraudulent behavior more effectively, the software will have the ability to make cheaters completely deaf and blind. Thus, malicious players will be totally isolated and will no longer be able to see or hear legitimate players. On the other hand, the latter will retain all their meaning and can therefore undermine cheaters.

players who are detected cheating may find themselves unable to see opposing players in-game. Characters, balls, and even sounds of non-cheating players will be undetectable by cheaters. Legitimate players, however, can see affected cheaters (usually it’s the ones you see circling around yelling “Who’s shooting me?”) and inflict punishment directly in-game. damage mitigation on active shields unveiled in late 2021, gives non-cheating players a head start on cheaters.

A rather radical solution, even violent, which risks driving cheaters completely crazy and will allow legitimate players to take justice into their own hands. A system that we will certainly find on the next Modern Warfare 2 recently formalized.

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Along with these measures, Raven and Sledgehammer announced that their very strict banning policy had allowed to fire no less than 90,000 new cheaters and since the deployment of RICOCHET, 54,000 other have been kicked out of the game. Either a total of 144,000 cheaters ejected in a few weeks. It’s not so bad and in addition it will make room for King Kong and Godzilla which land in May.

Source: www.callofduty.com

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