Home News CyberConnect2 to unveil new title in February

CyberConnect2 to unveil new title in February


During a broadcast, CyberConnect2 signaled its intention to unveil a new title in February. At the same time, he revealed some sales figures.

In February, CyberConnect2 will announce a new game “which will be talked about”, whose release is scheduled for summer 2022. This is what declared Hiroshi Matsuyama, the managing director of the company, on the occasion of a special live intended to mark the transition to the new year. And on the same broadcast, he also revealed sales figures for some of his hit titles.

The newest Demon Slayer – The Hinokami Chronicles, released on October 15, peaks at 1.5 million distributions. Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot – which notably appeared on Switch not long ago – has spread to 4.5 million copies. As for Naruto Shipudden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4, it has won over more than 8.7 million players in 6 years of existence.

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