Scheduled for release in 2023, the Cyberpunk 2077 expansion is currently in development. A development that seems to have been affected by a leak.

The creation of CD Projekt originally released in 2020 will be entitled to its DLC and, thereby, to a new story. However, we will have to wait until 2023 to see this content join the original adventure. But, with regard to the screenplay, it seems that some elements are now coming to our attention. The scenario could indeed have leaked. In any case, elements (lines of dialogue more precisely) circulate indeed on Reddit.
New quests without Johnny Silverhand?
According to the shared data, this new segment devoted to Cyberpunk 2077 will send players into an as yet unexplored environment: the Combat Zone. Here, they will then rub shoulders with a brand new character referred to as Songbird. An adventure that seems, moreover, to shed the presence of Johnny Silverhand, if we go by lines of dialogue that are completely non-existent or almost non-existent as far as he is concerned. The video game avatar of keanu reeves will thus be erased in favor of another.
Anyway, the DLC should offer a main quest consisting 7 main missions as well as various side activities (fixation quests, encounters in the new world, etc.). But not only: some files also seem to suggest that the extension intended by CD Project should have some impact on the final sequences of the game, or at least offer a new version of it by modifying in particular some dialogues in a rather discreet way, it seems. The purpose of this maneuver if it is true would then be to facilitate the transition to the new scenario since, in fact, elements evoking the new content are among the changes.