Home News Cyberpunk 2077 welcomes patch 1.52 and still fixes a lot of bugs

Cyberpunk 2077 welcomes patch 1.52 and still fixes a lot of bugs


Cyberpunk 2077 is now available on all media and continues to update by fixing its bugs.

Recently Cyberpunk 2077 received a new gen update on PS5 and Xbox Series, the game is now available on all platforms (except the Switch, huh), but there are still several problems, whether technical or related to gameplay. Nevertheless, CD Projekt continues to pamper its foal and is also deploying a new patch, 1.52, on all media.

A big patch that does a little cleaning everywhere

With its 1.52 update, Cyberpunk 2077 fixes several issues related to quests and the open world, but also technical problems specific to consoles. Overview.

Cyberpunk 2077 patch note 1.52 on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One:


  • Fixed an issue that could cause crashed cars or multiple Nomads to appear in traffic when driving fast.
  • Fixed an issue where the first equip animation could play repeatedly after picking up a throwing knife.
  • The Laminate Media Ballistic Vest can now be found as loot in Japantown.
  • Fixed an issue where the scout grenade would highlight non-hostile mob NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue where after using Quick Takeover on a device, the camera axis would be reversed when zoomed in.


  • The player will no longer be able to repurchase an apartment transformation that he already owns.
  • Added Shower interaction in Nomad Camp.
  • It will no longer be possible to hack the apartment on the north side before completing Act 1.
  • Fixed an issue where open world combat events and certain scenes could remain disabled after visiting Afterlife until the player fast travels in Watson.
  • Auto Love – Hitting a wall in the elevator in Building H8 will no longer cause instant death.
  • Lightning Love – Fixed an issue where Johnny could disembodied if the player left the cabin before interacting with the spotlight, blocking progress.
  • Cyberpsycho Sighting: Demons of War – Fixed an issue where it was not possible to progress past the “Search the area to gather information” objective.
  • Epistrophy – Fixed an issue where the quest could reappear in the journal instead of being marked as failed after the player failed to pick up one of the taxis.
  • I Fought Against the Law – Fixed an issue where River could erratically exit the market area and push V out of world bounds.
  • Life in Wartime – Fixed an issue where double-selecting a blue dialogue option when arriving at the crash site would block progress.
  • Path of Glory – The optional “Get Dressed” objective will no longer be incomplete if the player has collected the clothes before it spawns.
  • Information – Fixed an issue where the doors to Lizzie’s were closed during the hours they should be open, blocking progress.
  • The Ride – Fixed an issue where Dex’s car would lurch left and right while driving away.
  • With a little help from my friends – Fixed an issue where holocalls and text messages could get stuck if the player told Saul about Panam’s plan while the Nomads were running away.

open world

  • Fixed an issue where summoned vehicles could spawn very far from the player.
  • Suicidal Corps in Corp Square will no longer get back up after they fall.
  • Fixed an issue where an Onslaught in progress in Arroyo was not visible on the map, preventing progress in completing The Jungle.
  • Gig: Goodbye, Night City – Fixed an issue where the quest would not trigger after approaching the area.
  • Gig: No Fixers – Fixed an issue where the optional objective “Park Iris’ car in the garage” would not complete if the player stopped in front of the garage.
  • Gig: Playing for Keeps – Fixed an issue where all enemies in the Casino were set to Friend.
  • Murk Man Returns Again Once More Forever – Fixed an issue where the Rayfield Caliburn was not spawning.

User interface

  • Added a quest tag to repairman rewards when first found in the hideout.
  • Opening menus while playing a shard will no longer crash the game.
  • It will no longer be possible to change the position of the marker when a time skip is in progress.
  • Fixed an issue where the loot UI could flicker and change before picking up the item.
  • Fixed an issue where the English text “A Favor for a Friend” would display regardless of language version instead of the correct quest name for some tracked quests.


  • Fixed missing or misplaced animations and objects in various scenes.
  • Fixed some animation issues when performing an aerial takedown using the Hidden Dragon perk.
  • Fixed an issue where Sandstorms could appear in scenes where they weren’t supposed to appear.
  • Fixed an issue where foliage was not affected by different weather conditions.
  • Polycarbonate sport sunglasses will no longer be visible when switching from third person mode to first person mode while driving.

Console specific

  • Memory improvements and crash fixes on next-gen consoles.
  • Minor UI optimizations.
  • [PlayStation 5] Importing a save while the game is not connected to PlayStation Network no longer crashes the game.
  • [PlayStation 5] Fixed an issue where a corrupted save was created when the player tried to import a PlayStation 4 save when no save had been exported.
  • [PlayStation 4/5] Fixed an issue where the “Press Options Button to Continue” screen would register the button press with a delay.
  • [PlayStation 5] Wet roads are now as reflective as on the PC version.
  • [PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X] Changing the preset in Video Settings no longer automatically sets all graphics options to ON.
  • [Xbox One/Xbox Series X] Disconnecting the controller and entering the pause menu at the same time no longer causes the player to hang.

Source: www.cyberpunk.net

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