Home News Danny Trejo (Machete) joins the cast of Far Cry 6 for a...

Danny Trejo (Machete) joins the cast of Far Cry 6 for a mission


The famous Latino with a broken mouth arrives in Yara to clean up a batch of free missions.

Far Cry 6 may not be the episode of renewal, but it is nonetheless a very good opus (see our test) and which grows over time what is more.

In addition to the DLC planned for the season pass, Ubisoft sporadically offers free content, such as this collaboration with Danny Trejo, actor known for his many supporting roles (often villainous besides) but we have also seen in the skin of the ultra-edgy Mexican, Machete.

The guy therefore lends his features to a new character who intends to come to Yara not only to beat on Castillo’s army, but also to open a chain of Tacos.

We will therefore always remain in this quirky spirit, so dear to Far Cry 6, during two completely free missions playable in solo as in co-op.

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Everything is available now on all platforms: PS5, Xbox Series, PC as well as PS4 and Xbox one.

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