Home News Dead Space remake: new gameplay video for players to listen to

Dead Space remake: new gameplay video for players to listen to


The Dead Space remake is on its way and continues to be pampered by the developers who have just shared a new sound design video.

A month after the last presentation of the remake of Dead Space centered on sound design, Motive Studios claims to be listening to its community and feedback from players. The developers prove it by sharing a new video.

A modified sound design thanks to feedback

During the March livestream, Motive presented us up and down the new technologies used for the sound design of its remake. The result, although already impressive, let’s be honest, did not please everyone.

It is in particular the case of the weapons presented – the plasma cutter and the assault rifle – which were considered a bit disappointing. Based on feedback, the developers have therefore refined their work and share the progress today comparing the sound design of the original Dead Space and the remake, as of the March presentation, to the updated version.

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If the plasma cutter has been modified, the assault rifle remains the weapon whose changes seem to be the most important. Note, for example, heavier, punchy tones, which further accentuate the impact power of weaponsespecially the machine gun.

Despite the progress of sound design, there is still a long way to go before the software arrives between our faces. However, the devs still have time since the remake of Dead Space is not expected until early 2023 on PS5, Xbox Series and PC.

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