Home News Deathloop Update 3 is now available

Deathloop Update 3 is now available


This new update brings its share of new features, including the famous photo mode that players have been waiting for.

Bethesda Softworks announces the release of new major update for Deathloopthe first-person shooter fromArkane Lyon. It thus brings several accessibility options requested by the community but also its brand new photo mode.

the Photo mode has many customizations camera to help players capture favorite moments from their adventures through the superb scenery of Blackreef. In addition to being able to select your filters and choose the perfect angle for your photo, you will also be able to bring titles and some personifications such as logos or stickers. It will also be possible to spawn Colt or Julianna and modify weapons and their outfits. Photo mode will be only available for Deathloop solo.

“In every game we released, Photo Mode was one of the most requested features by gamers.”[…] “As we discover the incredible images that digital photographers were able to create in our worlds without Photo Mode, we look forward to making these tools available to the entire community.” Dinga Bakaba, director of Studio Arkane Lyon

The update 3 adds over 30 improvementsa new category of accessibility to the options menu but also parameters in order toincrease or decrease combat difficulty, replay count and game speed, HUD and UI customization, and better menu navigation.

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To find out more, discover here the article regarding the latest update regarding accessibility options.
death loop is available in exclusive on Playstation and PC since September 14, 2021.

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