Home News Diablo 4 unveils a new class and gameplay

Diablo 4 unveils a new class and gameplay


The highly anticipated Diablo 4 was present at the last Xbox Showcase and showed us fresh gameplay and a new playable class.

Still without any date, Diablo 4 is expected on consoles and PC for the year 2023 and should operate a real return to the sources for the license, also bringing several new features.

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Alas for the moment, if the information is numerous, they lack details. However, we know that the game will take place in open world, with no less than 150 dungeonsand will also offer lots of main and side questsas well as dynamic and random events. It is up to you to participate or not. The app will also offer different character classes including the necromancer, freshly unveiled during the Xbox Showcase. At his side, we will also find the Magician, the Barbarian, the Druid or even the Ranger. Each class will obviously have its own gameplay and you can create your avatar from scratch.

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The software will obviously be multiplayer and crossplatform, you can both play cooperatively or go to PvP areas to fight with other players. Fans of the genre will also be pleased to hear that Blizzard has already expanded the end game of this Diablo 4 and as soon as the main campaign is over, it will be possible to continue to evolve your champion. The game will give you access to new random adventures, exclusive endgame equipment as well as many levels of paragon which will also have the right to an overhaul with this new opus.

Hoping the app is nothing to do with Diablo Immortal which continues to plague the community.

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