Home News Switch Disgaea 7 shares a first trailer

Disgaea 7 shares a first trailer


The famous crazy tactical license will soon be entitled to a seventh episode and it lets us know with a very first trailer.

After a crazy and rather well done Disgaea 6, the license will return with Disgaea 7 on PS5, Switch and PS4 on January 26, 2023 in Japan. Unfortunately, the software has still not no niche for our surface of the globe. So we will have to be patient, but if the game follows in the footsteps of Disgaea 6, we can expect a worldwide release around June-July 2023.

Disgaea 7 aims for the big anything, that’s what’s good

Disgaea 7 also remains particularly stingy in information. We only know that the new Netherworld will be heavily inspired by Japanese culture and that the characters will have the right to new capacities. For example, they will be able to become huge (like huge, bigger than the map itself) and inflict a ton of damage. Always in this optics to make always more, the maximum level and the maximum cap of the damages were laaaaaargement increased in this new opus. In Disgaea 7, you will be able to make your heroes go up to level 99 999 999 and inflict up to 10 000 000 000 000 000 damage. Yeah, it’s dumb, but that’s what we’re here for dude.

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