Home News Dragon’s Dogma 2 finally holds its officialization

Dragon’s Dogma 2 finally holds its officialization


While it had been expected for a while, Dragon’s Dogma 2 took advantage of the small distribution that was reserved for the license to become official.

We waited for him at Capcom’s June 14 Showcase, but it did not appear. That day, the program was respected to the letter, because, as expected, the titles then put forward had already been brought to the attention of the public. Resident Evil 4, Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak or even Exoprimalhere are the games that were then in the spotlight. However, we were not without a glimpse of a small hope with the announcement of a small broadcast devoted to the ten years of Dragon’s Dogma. A hope that is now satisfied, at least in part…

Dragon’s Dogma becomes official without more

And so we had been right to hope. The announcement, although more discreet, took place. After discussing the license, its design, its inspirations and others, the team has indeed concluded with the long-awaited revelation. But, no question of images, we will only be satisfied with the formalization of the project.

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So, even if it was an open secret, Dragon’s Dogma 2 now dispels the vagueness that surrounded it to finally be confirmed and, in particular, with the publication of its official logo. We will therefore have to wait a little longer before knowing more, whether on the date or on the names of the platforms targeted by his arrival, although one can imagine a new gen release.

If we therefore ignore a large number of things, we do know that this new opus is already in development and uses the in-house engine, the REEngine.

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