Home News Dying Light 2: a monstrous lifespan for the fiercest

Dying Light 2: a monstrous lifespan for the fiercest


Completionists, brace yourselves, Techland has gone out of their way to ensure you can stick to the game for really long hours. For the others, rest assured, the title will end more quickly.

If your hobby is to get 100% on all your games, Dying Light 2: Stay Human should more than meet your expectations. In a first tweet, Techland announced a lifespan of at least 500h for this suite… Just that!

A number that has divided the players, between those who rejoice and those who were afraid, finding this communication more repulsive than attractive. Therefore, in an update of the initial post, the CM of the software clarified the matter: the 500 hours of play takes into account the main and secondary quests, the different endings, and the exploration of each corner of the new map.

On the other side, if you only do the main and secondary missions, as well as a lot of exploration, you should get there in less than 100h.

Alanah pearce, junior writer at Santa Monica Studio, spoke several months ago with the teams and, according to her, the campaign alone could end in 20 to 30 hours.

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Dying Light 2 is still awaited for the February 4, 2022 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series, Xbox One and PC. If you haven’t checked them out yet, here’s a 4K RTX PC walkthrough and skills video.

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