Home News Dying Light 2: there will be no crossplay at launch

Dying Light 2: there will be no crossplay at launch


Techland’s upcoming game won’t feature crossplay or crossgen support at launch next February.

If the survival/parkour/shooter of zombies Dying Light 2: Stay Human will be released well on all media on February 4 next, not all features will be available on launch day.

The game designer of the game, Tymon Smektala, confirmed in the last Twitch live of the series “Dying 2 Know”, this night, that crossplay will not be available day one, neither between consoles nor between generations.

The developer specifies “for the moment” but is currently unable to give a definitive date for this update. However, we do everything “to make it available as soon as possible after launch.” The game is scheduled for PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

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