Home News Elden Ring: George RR Martin may be shocked according to Hidetaka Miyazaki

Elden Ring: George RR Martin may be shocked according to Hidetaka Miyazaki


FromSoftware would have completely changed the universe and the characters created by George RR Martin, the father of Game of Thrones.

Unless you live in a bunker, hidden deep in a cave hidden under a Himalayan mountain, you are certainly aware that George R. R. Martin (The iron Throne), worked on writing Elden Ring in collaboration with FromSoftware.

It is therefore the pen of the latter who gave life to the universe and a good number of its characters, although thereafter, he did not participate in the development, not even in the dialogues. He will not be disappointed.

Asked in the columns of Game Informer, Hidetaka Miyazaki, director at FromSoftware, confessed that the studio had drastically modified the lore, in particular the characters who were obviously too “wise”.

When Martin wrote these characters, when he provided this origin story, this myth around the world of Elden Ring, these demigods were much closer to their original form, and perhaps closer to human form at the time. epoch, before the Burst, before it all began. So it was up to us to interpret it and ask ourselves, “How did they become such inhuman monsters? How did the defilement and madness, caused by the shards of the Ring of the Ancients and its power, affect them? So it was our job to take these great heroes and twist them, turn them into something they weren’t.

The work of George RR Martin was therefore only a starting point for something even bigger in the eyes of FromSoftware. But above all much darker and which, ultimately, sticks much more to the spirit of the studio, used to offering gloomy universes halfway between heroic fantasy and horror.

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Although he is sure of his choices, Miyazaki does not hide that MRR Martin may be a bit surprised when he sees what has become of his heroic characters.

I think that if we get a chance to show Martin the game, and if he gets to see these characters, I think he’ll be a bit shocked. When he wrote them, he was really envisioning something a little more human, a little closer to traditional drama with fantastic characters.

For the moment, George RR Martin has obviously seen nothing, heard nothing, but still seems rather confident, since he himself had declared that “Elden Ring looked incredible”.

Anyway, although he will certainly be surprised, it would be surprising to see him step up to the plate, especially since the writer is a regular at stories rather dark and twisted. Evidenced by his Game of Thrones saga which is far from being a walk in the park.

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It remains to be seen what he will think of the artistic direction that the project has taken. In any case, the players are only waiting for one thing, February 25, release date of the game on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

Source: www.gameinformer.com

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