Home News Elden Ring: images of a bestiary discovered in the game files

Elden Ring: images of a bestiary discovered in the game files


A curious person having searched the game files discovered the existence of several images from what could well be a bestiary.

A little over a month after its release, Elden Ring continues to arouse curiosity and still hides many secrets. A dataminer even recently discovered that the app could have had a collection of all the critters of the Entre-Terre.

A bestiary in Elden Ring?

It’s a certain JesterPatches who recently found some clues that could suggest that a bestiary was, or would be, planned by FromSoftware. He has in fact got his hands on no less than 128 icons representing the creatures of the gamehidden in the game files.

He affirms that each creature has two icons in its image, one grayed out and one coloredas if the bestiary made it possible to fill in “research/discovery” data and validate it once the monsters have been identified.

It could therefore be that FromSoftware had planned to integrate a small encyclopedia into Elden Ring, or that it was planned for later. Nevertheless, it would be an interesting addition that could bring a little more consistency to the lore, even while retaining a cryptic and mythological note, without distorting the identity of the work. Especially since these icons have frankly style.

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