Home News Elden Ring: The OST Is Actually Just A Huge Fake And Means...

Elden Ring: The OST Is Actually Just A Huge Fake And Means Nothing


From Software’s landmark not only won acclaim for its art direction and difficulty, but also for its OST. Bad luck, it’s computer-generated gibberish.

Who hasn’t been impressed by the orchestral and epic music of the boss fights in Elden Ring? But as catchy and intoxicating as they may be, they still make no sense.

Spoiler: The Elden Ring OST does like us when we sing in the shower

This is what Youtuber Antonius Tertius reveals to us, a Latin student, he looked into the OST of Elden Ring which he dissected (and continues to do so). During his investigation, Antonius contacted various artists who had worked on the game’s soundtrack, and they admitted to him that 99% of the lyrics that can be heard in the choirs are actually just random words generated by computer, then readjusted to stick to the mood and the emotion that the music was intended to convey. A gibberish with false words of course, but which leads us and succeeds in its task.

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Ultimately, in Ring, the only songs to have real lyrics are Song of Lament, a short song that can be heard coming from the mouths of female batsand the few words sung by the students of Rennala (in English).

But in the end, there is nothing very surprising in that, Antonius underlines moreover that it is a very common practice in the world of video games when developers want to simulate ancient languages. At FromSoftware, only BloodBorne features an OST with written lyrics that have a meaning, Dark Souls and Demon’s Souls also prefer gibberish.

But is it wrong to use such a subterfuge when the artists still manage to take us into their world, embellish our journey and transmit emotions to us? I do not think so.

Don’t go review bombing for that.

Source: www.reddit.com

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