Home News Exoprimal: a beta and gameplay for the ultra nag Dino Crisis (false)

Exoprimal: a beta and gameplay for the ultra nag Dino Crisis (false)


Capcom brought out its new license full of dinosaurs to reveal messy gameplay and announce a beta.

Failing to have the right to a real return of Dino Crisis, the father of the license decided to bring the dinosaurs back through a spatiotemporal rift, to add genetic mutations to them, and to send players on board mechas to get rid of them in packs of 1000. The result finally looks like a Second Extinction with more budget.

Exoprimal, exos and dinos

Where we thought the game would only be a cooperative software, Capcom announces thatin reality Exoprimal will be a competitive PvPvE game. In the main game mode, 2 teams of 5 players will fight to complete a series of objectives first like harvesting a given number of energy, eliminating specific creatures or even escorting a cube. It will also sometimes happen that all 10 players in the game must join forces to take down a boss.like the Neo T-Rex, a fearsome creature.

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Moreover, they are the big stars of this new license. The space dinosaurs are here in very, very large numbers and tumble by the hundred through futuristic portals. Several species have already been disclosed as Raptors, T-Rex, Ankylosaurus or Triceratops. The icing on the cake, genetic mutations have slipped into their DNA making them more powerful. Some monsters will therefore be able to explode, spit acid at you, etc.

Fortunately, we will have access to exoskeletons à la Athem, particularly strong and all endowed with different capacities. For example, we can embody a tank equipped with shields, a sniper equipped with an electric cannon or even an exos capable of burning everything around him. Other exoskeletons will also be unveiled a little later, so the roster promises to be varied.

Exoprimal is expected next year on PS5, Xbox Series, PC, PS’ and Xbox One.

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Exoprimal beta: dates and registration

The software will also offer beta test phases this summer exclusively on PC (Steam) and it is already possible to register by going to this address. All you have to do is link your Steam account to your Capcom ID and follow the instructions.

But as usual with Capcom nothing is simple and the Exoprimal beta test will take place over 3 sessions this summer at very specific times.

  • Session 1: (reserved for North America) – July 11 – 2:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m.
  • Session 2: (for all) – July 25 – 2:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
  • Session 3: (for all) – August 7 – for 24 hours

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