Home News Exoprimal: a cooperative and competitive SF shooter with dinosaurs

Exoprimal: a cooperative and competitive SF shooter with dinosaurs


Capcom didn’t come to State of Play with Resident Evil in its bag, but surprised everyone with a new dinosaur title that isn’t Dino Crisis either.

The opening of State of Play from Sony on March 9 was an opportunity to discover Capcom’s brand new franchise (Resident Evil, Monster Hunter) based on a futuristic dinosaur invasion in the year of grace 2040.

Exoprimal is indeed a cooperative sci-fi shooter in which we will embody fighters in exoskeletons tasked with defending humanity from the hordes of creatures dropped via vortices whose appearance can fortunately be predicted to send the welcoming committee.

But the Japanese publisher also introduces a competitive aspect into the game by sending two teams of 5 players in the fight of which only one can survive. The goal is therefore to be the first to achieve the goals setwhich will vary from party to party.

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On the side of the proposed warriors, we find the usual classes: assault, tank, healer, support… But nothing is definitive since we can change armor along the way to better adapt to each situation.

Exoprimal will be released in 2023 on PS4 and PS5but also on PC, Xbox One and Xbox Series.

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