Home News F1 22 improves and modifies the circuits before its release.

F1 22 improves and modifies the circuits before its release.


To stick as closely as possible to reality, the F1 simulation from Codemasters brings welcome changes to certain iconic routes used by Formula 1 cars.

Its exit is approaching at full speed, and it is with this in mind that EAs and Codemasters proudly announce that this new opus of F1 22 will try to stick as closely as possible to the reality of this sport oh so followed around the world.

In effect, three routes have been modifiedand the lucky ones are Spain, Australia and Abu Dhabi. With on the menu: modifications / deletions of curves and repositioning of certain elements on the circuits to make them ever more authentic.

As a reminder, F1 22 is expected for the July 1, 2022 on PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S.

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