Home News FF7 Remake would have lost its PlayStation exclusivity

FF7 Remake would have lost its PlayStation exclusivity


The official PlayStation store has removed Final Fantasy VII Remake from its list of exclusives, suggesting an arrival on other consoles including Xbox. Another game seems to be taking this route.

Final Fantasy VII Remake soon on Xbox? Two years after its release, the PlayStation exclusive (released on PS5 with an Intergrade version) could only be a temporary exclusion between the console and Square Enix. While a Bethesda / Microsoft conference is scheduled for June 12, a rumor indicates that the game could be presented on competing machines.

According Game Infinitusthe page linked to exclusives on the PlayStation Store has just removed the FF7 remake, which could give a clue to a possible end of contract, almost exactly a year after the release of the PS5 version. Moreover, the site adds that Persona 5 has also left this section of the site, which could lead to a another coming to Xbox soon.

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As a reminder, Tetsuya Nomura recently indicated that new information will be given on FF7 Remake on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the original game this year, a game initially released in January 97 in Japan and in November in France. Historically, the series has only been a PlayStation exclusive on rare occasions, such as with Final Fantasy Xand only recently abandoned Nintendo consoles…

Source: gameinfinitus.com

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