Home News FIFA 22 will soon have crossplay on PS5, Xbox Series and PC

FIFA 22 will soon have crossplay on PS5, Xbox Series and PC


Electronic Arts has just announced that it will test FIFA 22 crossplay on a handful of platforms and a few game modes.

Currently offered in the May 2022 PS Plus programme, FIFA 22 will soon bring its players together in a single experience. EA has indeed announced the arrival of a large-scale test to implement crossplay in its football game.

What platforms and for FIFA 22 crossplay?

According to Electronic Arts, only PS5, Xbox Series and PC (via Stadia) players are affected by the novelty and will therefore be able to play different game modes together. PS4 and Xbox One as for them, will remain on the floor.

Moreover, for the test period, crossplay will only be active on Online Season mode and Friendly Matchesbut there is no doubt that other modes will enter the dance afterwards, in particular the FUT, hen with the golden eggs of the license (and of EA).

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Despite the good news, EA has not given a date for the launch of this trial phase. However, this should not take long and will certainly serve as a test for the integration of crossplay from the launch of FIFA 23, which should also change its name by then.

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