Home News Final Fantasy 14 presents its 6.1 Newfound Adventure update in video

Final Fantasy 14 presents its 6.1 Newfound Adventure update in video


As announced a few months ago, Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker will begin its major updates next April.

After being announced and teased during the 68th live “Letter from the Producer” last February, Final Fantasy 14 will receive its patch 6.1 on April 12the first of a long series of major updates.

Newfound Adventure and Co.

With this new update, Final Fantasy 14 gets several additions like new challenges, new instances, a brand new raid and the implementation of the Reinforcements systemallowing to run through dungeons normally designed for 4 players with an AI team.

Bonus, the 6.1 update begins an almost general graphical overhaul of the game which intends to modernize further. Since, if his artistic direction has always hit the bull’s eye for all these years, the graphics engine is starting to weaken.

Update 6.1 will see the implementation of the new system called Reinforcements, based on the current adjuration system and integrated into the A Realm Reborn (2.0) content. Thanks to this new system, all instanced dungeons and challenges accessible to 4 players can also be completed with the help of an allied team of NPCs. A total overhaul of “Cap Vendouest” and other instances is also expected, in order to guarantee an accessible game experience in single player mode. The adjuration system will also be extended to 2.x content, as well as the Heavensward expansion and beyond

FF14 Patch Note 6.1 PC, PS5 and PS4


“After traveling to the ends of the universe in order to end the very source of the apocalypse you are back in your world. Your friends have decided to disband the Heirs of the Seventh Dawn and go their separate ways in pursuit of new goals. After a well-deserved rest, you decide to take up your adventurer’s mantle and investigate the clues that an old friend left you.

  • New Scenario Quests: Update 6.1 will mark the start of a new adventure for the Warriors of Light.
  • A New Dungeon and Unreal Challenge “The Bane of Ultima (Unreal)”
  • New Alliance Raid Series: The Eorzean Myth: Divine Domain – Eorzean Aglae.
  • New Arkasodara Tribal Quests (6.15)
  • New residential area: Land in Empyrée, the new residential area of ​​the holy city, will be available for purchase. The acquisition of land will now benefit from a system of sales by drawing lots on predefined dates.
  • New Challenge: The Final Response (Extreme)
  • Customizable character card (Beta version)
  • New PvP Mode: “Crystalline Conflict”
  • Other additions will include, among other things, adjustments to the actions of different jobs, the ability to try on outfits sold in the Final Fantasy XIV online store, and various updates.
  • Return of PvP gear inspired by GARO, the hit Japanese TV series (New jobs introduced in Shadowbringers and Endwalker will finally benefit from this collaboration with original pieces of gear).
  • A new precious object, the compendium. New information pages on characters and crossover concepts will be added to this notebook as you progress through the epic

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