Home News 3DS Fire Emblem Heroes: $1 billion since launch

Fire Emblem Heroes: $1 billion since launch


A few years after its release, Nintendo’s mobile RPG game became the company’s highest-grossing title on iOS and Android.

big box for Fire Emblem Heroes. The mobile tactical game adapted from the famous Fire Emblem franchise is one of the most profitable mobile titles of the moment. Since its release in 2017, the RPG has generated nearly $1 billion in revenue for Nintendo, according to data from SensorTower.

Best of all, it’s Big N’s top-grossing mobile game, edging out handheld versions. from Animal Crossing or Mario Kart by doing more than 4 times better. As a reminder, the game is free to play and takes place in the world of the famous saga of Intelligent Systems, whose latest opus Three Houses was released on Switch in 2019.

Source: www.gamesindustry.biz

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